Monday, January 5, 2015

Find Courage Within Yourself

Most often, the cause of failure of many budding entrepreneurs with lots of potential is due to the lack of courage to take the first step.  Agreed, the first step is the most difficult but all you require to do is to muster enough courage to move forward.

Lot has been written about taking the first step but I’ve discovered that it can be made easy.  Now, most people would advise you some very theoretical aspects but I would suggest something different and very simple.

First of all, you need to think constantly about searching for that one bright spot, a ray of hope.  That ray of hope is very important because that could be your only life line.  Next you need to talk to people with whom you can talk to and share your roadblock.  Believe me, people whom your heart says is OK to talk to are the ones who will readily come forward to help you out. But before that you need to do some homework.  You need to make a list of your problems, identify probably solutions, identify what can go wrong and will go wrong.  Eliminate those choices which will lead to a dead-end and think of favourable solutions.

At first, you may find this to be difficult but remember the difficult part is your mind.  Be strong willed and just imagine how much benefit it will lead to and it will perhaps encourage you to move ahead with determination and confidence.

Remember the following:

  • Fear is in your mind
  • It is not permanent
  • Taking the first step may be difficult but easy too.
  • Share your problems with people and they will be willing to offer help
  • Constantly think of solutions
  • Make a list of problems you can encounter
  • Think of the benefits that will accrue and it will encourage you

Finally, Fred Van Amburgh rightly states “All the advice in the world will never help you until you help yourself”.

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