Monday, May 18, 2020

Interview with Ms. Kirti Golatkar, Founder of LifeKDesign

As part of the "In-Depth" Interview series, we bring to you a health practitioner who deals with mental health.  She is turned entrepreneur and hopes to reach out to maximum number of people who may be undergoing stress due to the uncertainty about the future, especially related to the Corona Pandemic where job losses have become common, incomes have been affected and there is chaos all around.


About : Ms Kirti Golatkar is a therapy practitioner for Access Consciousness, New Code NLP, Gestalt & Hypnotherapy through personal consultations has influenced her clients to bring about an impactful change with their life & work space balance.

She speaks passionately about her *Mission & Purpose*: "The curiosity of what works beyond logic to create the energies and magic & spread happiness to bring more and more people to meet the amazing person within them has brought me to this purpose and my mission of life."

Kirti is also contributing to the youth generation as a Consultant & Mentor for “Campus to Corporate Trainings” from her insights of serving the healthcare corporate industry for over two decades.

She has worked across Healthcare domain contributing to Patient Care projects in chronic conditions, Managing Brand services for Healthcare brands as well as leading Quality projects for Healthcare accreditation.

With academic background in Marketing Management (Mumbai), Healthcare Management (Delhi), Six Sigma, Goal Trainer IIPE affiliated certifications, she started her journey in the service of healthcare.  She strongly believes in bringing together her expertise of the corporate career and therapy consultation to be contributing & impacting lives as her mission now & has recently launched her own organisation with a team of experts at called ”Life K Design - Meet The Amazing You” as a promising destination for healthy mind, body & life balance.  It comes with a promise to reach out & bring about the transformation in every life choosing to explore their potential for peak performance & guide them to access their bliss with the shift for awareness  at any phase or stage of life. 

Visit us for more details & appointment on

Kirti, It is my immense pleasure and honour for Calibre Creators to be talking to an expert in the field of Mental Health, Soft Skills and a very popular Corporate Trainer.  Today, we will endeavour to touch upon topics of mental wellness and identifying one’s true potential by reaching out to the inner self.  I am sure our readers will greatly benefit from your insights.

CC.1    Kirti, please take us through your life’s journey so that we get to understand about your work?

KG:     My career journey began in Mumbai as a fresh graduate of Life Sciences from Mumbai University into Sales and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical industry about 2 decades ago & moved through different cities across India.  Beginning with niche speciality products at Abbott & thereafter through different pharma companies, and got into Healthcare branding & advertising after doing PG in Marketing Management from Welingkar Institute Mumbai in 2006-07. Covered almost major therapy segments (NeuroPsychiatry, Diabetes, Pain management Cardiovascular, Antibiotics, Gastro, General Medicine, Gynaecology, etc.)

To explore opportunities in the upcoming corporate hospitals booming in India as a mid-career break, I pursued Healthcare Management & Six Sigma at Delhi in 2012-13 & contributed as Retrospective Projects across Hospitals like Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani (KDAH) & Fortis Hospital for Medical services, administration & Quality Accreditation trainings.  This experience further helped me lead patient care projects in chronic lifestyle conditions like Cardiovascular, Diabetes, or chronic illness conditions as Liver care and Cancer where health outcomes mattered.  During interactions with patients regarding the treatment and cure rates, I always thought “why does the same condition, the same medicine work so differently in different patients?”

As I was thinking about my observations in the cancer care project, my own life diseases or illnesses during childhood where I had recovered from resistant conditions, accidental traumatic injuries & the turbulences of relations as well brought me to understand my own belief systems & transformations which guided & healed me.  I studied how these help achieve states of ease, joy, glory happening moving me away from the disease, sadness, or otherwise to be considered attempted efforts, I explored into my own journey of learning the wellness & happiness secrets which could be applied to my own patients.

As learning from every modality that worked on me embraced, encompassed & surpassed my own past life regressions and patterns through exploring bringing my altered state powered to me to bring “me” to “myself” first.  The next logical step was to meet “me’ along the journey as my mind had opened up to the learning’s from every modality from different philosophies across the globe and life.  I observed and practiced my own expansion & happiness, irrespective of any situation from within.  This also allowed my teachers and mentors from varied modalities as they kept appearing and handing over some tool for the life’s journey and learning’s ahead.

Thanks to all these beautiful life experiences, I found meaning from every turbulence in life, every relation, that has today blissfully joined hands to become a partner in life from within our own souls as we evolve & heal from every disease that transformed into life wellness to abundance with ease, joy and glory.

This brings me to successfully introduce about the name of my service to the Universe by the name of “Life-K-Design”, which we launched recently as a way to help each one of you “Meet The Amazing You”, through the practice of these philosophies for a healthy mind, body and life.

CC.2   You have dabbled in multiple professional activities and perhaps seem to have found your true calling in life.  Tell us a bit about how it happened.

KG:    There were incidents in my life which flash across my mind as a dream and it seems today that they have come to such beautiful closures after all the pain and agony that I underwent and I apply those experiences in healing others.

As I mentioned earlier, my life’s been a journey of illnesses, traumas, accidents, family turbulences and moving through cities, mid-career exploration into healthcare to now feeling the pulse of the patients whom I interact with and observe the changes that they too undergo.

CC.3   You now have established a mission and purpose in life.  It seems the need of the situation when people from all walks of life are facing unpleasant situations in their lives, either on  account  of anxiety due to joblessness, solitude, lack of clarity about the future, financial insecurity, etc.?

KG:   Yes change is constant so uncertainties of life have always been there. Today, we are facing it as a whole new bucket added among the bucket-list.  We had an inclination as to what may be coming in, but this time, pandemic is of such huge proportions which none of us has experienced.

What matters is being in the present state of mind and being conscious enough to manage any moment or any situation of life, what we today call as burnouts, addressed by re-engineering ourselves over and over through infinite energies.

CC.4   You have acquired multiple qualifications and skill sets.  What was your motivation behind them all?

KG:   Common thread that connected all my experiences from pharma to patient care was making me curious about the root cause.  This helped me to analyse how would a patient’s condition be resolved beyond reassurance counselling advice, lifestyle modifications and not yet arriving at the expected health outcomes.  It compelled me to study the different how’s affecting the outcomes.  This led me to certain curiosity resolutions; why even if the treatment and condition were same, the responses & outcomes were so varied?

For example, a patient not responding to treatment for several years of mental abuse or stress/trauma or chronic pain from across ages and phases of life.  I have seen that a young child or an adolescent, middle aged or even a senior citizen started responding during the sessions, accelerating the healing process in very few days which had not progressed over years. Every modality complemented with the other as per the needs of the case because all these studies and skills are meant to serve a single purpose, i.e. to find health.  The River to sea confluence, I believe is how each one chooses their own healing by way of self-awareness in discovering the inner healing powers and bring them to the fore, just the way I healed myself.

CC.5    Please tell us about transformations some of the your patients have undergone and have come back to tell you about them?

KG:     As I mentioned earlier in previous answers, people from every age, phase and stage of life have reported tremendous shifts in their life and work spaces post the therapies.

CC.6  How does one come to know that they are facing a life crisis?  What are the signs and symptoms?

KG:   Today, burnout is a condition as accepted sign and symptom seen commonly across all stages of professional and personal life.  It is a result of our surrounding, the environmental condition, fears and anxiety due to competition, fear of being left out in the rat race and this happens if one is not equipped to not cope with the stresses in work life balance.  Gradual or sudden decrease in enthusiasm to live in the present moment is the first sign of disease, followed by constant sadness and all the above mentioned fears, while at home or at workplace.  When you relate these conditions as an outcome of some insecurity or comparisons, lowering of your own self esteem, then one should seek the help of a psychotherapist.  Continuation of such condition may lead to helplessness, severe depression, guilt and decision to even take one’s own life.

CC.7  What are the causes of anxiety or fears a person experiences in life.  Are there any specific stages in life when a person undergoes through experiences?

KG:   Each one is gifted with in-built auto response mechanism to their respective environments, stimulus and situations.  However, not everyone is able to utilise that inherent capacity to the fullest or is not aware of how to cope with situations in their life.  This is where, they should consult our expert teams to bring about the necessary paradigm shift to root out the cause of anxiety at any stage or event of life.  Let our team help you find the amazing you that lies within, to find the blissful states irrespective of external environments since the source of happiness is within.

CC.8    How much of the stress and anxiety is contributed due to engagement on social media?
With my Community Workshop Participants 
KG:     As long as we can see the negative impact of social media on addiction over its benefit as a medium of knowledge, awareness and an instrument of communication, it is best to avoid prolonged exposure as it does a lot of damage to the young generation as most research studies on children are indicating today.

And that’s exactly how I strategized and built my own modules for business corporate trainings to improve peak performance by personality & confidence building and helping them to manage conflicts within than from the outside.  This equips individuals to be contributing to themselves first and to the organization, teams and family they belong, to be able to create that harmony and abundance with ease, joy and glory.

CC.9    In how many instances have patients come to you directly and how many have been referred to you by parents or friends?

With my Corporate Training Participants
KG:     People who have attended my community workshops, approach me directly and also refer their acquaintances and friends whom they know are going through similar condition and would certainly benefit as much as they have from consulting us.  Among them are children, adolescents couples, working professionals, senior citizens and rehabilitating patients going through all these stages and phases are looking for these feelings and bringing them to these altered state from within needs our guidance.  Patients have provided feedback that they have found happiness and love within their own self and now have improved relations with enhance feeling of compassion, feeling of being cared for and a sense of belongingness.

CC.10   What role does the family and friend’s support system play in the healing or transformation process?

KG:    They are the anchors as we bring every person to a state of heightened wellness as an individual and as a contributor of the Universe to connect under the frame within with we work, i.e. as #ConnectedCollaborativeConstructive individuals, with each one finding the state of happiness, from inside out.

CC.11   Every person on this earth, however powerful or satisfied may be, has worries and anxieties.  The severity may depend on the nature or cause of the person’s environment or nature of engagement.  Do you agree?

KG:     It depends on how evolved one is and the extent to which a person wants to look at the present moment, as past regrets and future is full of anxiety.  Therefore, we advise people to be in living in the presence (of the moment), to be “in the being”, and stay connected strongly with one’s self, from within and as infinite being of the universe.

CC.12   There is a social stigma attached to seeking help for mental illness or depression.  Your take.

KG:    There is no social stigma in present situation, as I have experienced entire family or all 3 generations of a family coming for resolution of their conditions as the patterns and belief systems are deep rooted from generation to generation. LifeKDesign is conducting community awareness workshops as well as school and campus touch points for awareness to come out of their shells wherever they feel so that they need to discuss with us and get it resolved and the response is overwhelming.  This indicates that people are now realising that timely help can help them nip the problem in the bid and that more and more people are in their search for living a life of fulfilment, happiness, contentment, of having no regrets of not having lived their life fully.  I would, however, say that the need is much bigger in the society as people go through all sorts of problems, the current COVID19 situation and its uncertainty about the future being a classic example in point.

CC.13   Tell us about your new initiative “LifeKDesign”.  What do you intend to achieve through it?

KG:     To create awareness among more and more people - individuals, families and as workplace teams in corporate to explore themselves, to realise their inner strengths, fulfil their potential and inherent gifts as infinite beings as they truly are.

CC.14   What would you advise the readers about handling self, handling others?

KG:      Simply follow the holistic approach by the guidance of LifeKDesign, the new initiative started to take you through a transformation and a paradigm shift of being what you deserve to be.

Wherever you feel that you are not performing to your best capacity or that there is something that is pulling you down or you feel dragged, see a therapist.

Kirti, I thank you for sparing your valuable time to share details about your work.  I wish you success in your endeavours and that you are able to reach out to more and more people undergoing mental stress but not aware of their condition.


For consultations, please contact:
Ms. Kirti Golatkar on :
Phone No.: (WhatsApp) : +91 9820147669
Email :


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Calibre Creators